Sarah McCaskey
Yoga and movement teacher, leader of kirtan heartsong and sound events, workshops and retreats, holistic therapist…
Born in Dagenham, brought up in Wivenhoe, studied and worked in London, happy to have travelled in England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Tibet, Nepal, India and New Zealand. I have studied movement and meditation for many years through yoga and as a dancer and dance teacher. My journey has taken me from ballet, tap and jazz, to contemporary dance techniques including Graham, Cunningham and release. I took a foundation course in dance movement therapy, and I’m also a trained Laban dance teacher and aerobics instructor. I have attended classes in Alexander technique, Feldenkreis, Tai chi, Chi kung and Body Mind Centering. At present I'm completing training in yoga therapy and yoga for back care. I continue to enjoy learning about movement in it’s many forms and love to weave this knowledge into my yoga practice and teaching.

Sarah McCaskey
Having practiced yoga on and off since the 90s in 2006 I began the British Wheel of yoga foundation course. My eyes were opened to the depth and vastness of yoga in all it’s forms. I was fortunate to travel in India and New Zealand between 2007 – 2009 and sought a wide range of yoga classes with traditional and travelling teachers including Sivananda, Ashtanga, Satyananda, philosophy, meditation and kirtan. During this time of intensive yoga practice I decided that yoga teacher training was the next step. I trained both in India and London. The Sivananda course was a yogic immersion at Sivananda Kutir, next to the Ganges. We learnt the Bhagavad Gita by chanting the scriptures, practiced karma yoga, sang kirtan and meditated daily. Living and breathing yoga 24/7 was a deep, life changing and moving experience. On return to the UK I trained with Conrad at Yoga Professionals, a thorough course with focus on philosophical understanding, postural work and class structuring. The combination of these two TTCs gives me experience of yoga from the esoteric and spiritual end of the spectrum to the nuts and bolts of anatomy and physiology, health and safety! My teaching draws on knowledge and experience gained from the many amazing movement, dance and yoga teachers I am blessed to have studied with, this brings a unique flavour to my classes, workshops and retreats.
My understanding of the healing power of yoga, kirtan and holistic therapies has grown in the last decade. I have become increasingly aware of the subtle connections between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of wellbeing. In 2010 I founded Your Space to bring together my love of yoga and holistic therapies. I believe passionately that yoga has something to offer everyone no matter what age, ability, shape, size, health condition or experience. Over the years I have shared accessible, gentle yoga with hundreds of people who have benefited in a myriad of ways.
Currently I’m based in Wivenhoe, Essex and offer weekly classes, occasional workshops and retreats, 1:1 and private yoga classes. I am enthusiastic about sharing lesser known forms of yoga including…
yoga nidra, laughter yoga, walking yoga, kirtan heartsong. I love to travel so you can book me for your event or workplace ~ I’ll bring the magic of Your Space, to your place, anywhere in the world!!!

Laughter Yoga Leader Certificate (2017 Nat Tsolak)
Sacred sound training for yogis (2016 Anne Malone)
Kirtan trainings (2014 Tabla Tom, Michael Dinesh)
Total Yoga Nidra Foundation (2014 Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Nirlipta Tuli)
Satyananda Yoga Nidra teaching certificate (2013 Bihar Yoga UK)
CYQ Yoga teacher training (2010 Yoga Professionals 200hrs)
Yoga teacher training (2009 Sivananda centre Himalayas 200hrs)
British Wheel of yoga foundation (2007 Elaine Fletcher)
Laban Dance Teacher training certificate (2005 Laban Guild)
Dance Movemement Therapy Foundation (2004 Goldsmiths)
YMCA Aerobics Instructor Level 3 (2003 London YMCA)
BA(Hons) Contemporary Dance (1998 London Contemporary Dance School)
ISTD ballet, tap, modern, jazz (1984 – 1995 Colne Bank Dance School)
Indian Head Massage practitioner certificate (2013 Mersea Healing)
Ear candle therapy practitioner certificate (2013 Mersea Healing)
Spiritual healing foundation certificate (2012 Suffolk Healers)
Reiki master training (2008 – 2012 Usui and Tibetan systems)
Thai yoga massage practitioner (2009 Sunshine network 60hrs)