Chair Yoga for all
Weekly class 60 mins
Tuesdays 2.00 - 3.00pm
Wivenhoe Methodist Church

Therapeutic yoga based seated class. Includes joint mobilisation practices, gentle flexibility and strength exercises and time for relaxation. Practices can be adapted to your needs.

Drop in class - £4.00 (cash only) no booking required
FREE of charge for carers/PAs
(if you need your support person with you)

Wivenhoe Methodist Church, 22 The Avenue, CO7 9AH
Carpark and entrance at the back of the church
Ramps into the main space - accessible with mobility scooters/walking aids

Spring term : 28 January - 11 February (no class 18 February half term)

Spring term : 25 February - 1 April (no classes 8, 15 April Easter pause)

Summer term : classes resume 22 April

Evening mat based yoga
Weekly class 75 mins

Tuesdays 6.00 - 7.15pm
Wivenhoe Methodist Church

Wivenhoe Methodist Church, 22 The Avenue, CO7 9AH
Carpark and entrance at the back of the church

Based on hatha yoga blended with Sarah's experience of training in other movement forms, including various styles of dance and somatic practice. The classes are suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners. The sessions inlcude mat work both lying and sitting, standing practices, breathwork, relaxation and meditation.

13 places per class : Online booking only
Block booking discount / £11.00 pay as you go

Spring term : 28 January - 11 February (no class 18 February half term)

Spring term : 25 February - 1 April (no classes 8, 15 April Easter pause)

Summer term : classes resume 22 April


Daytime chair and mat based yoga
Weekly classes 75 mins

Thursdays 10.15 - 11.30am
Thursdays 12.15 - 1.30pm
Thursdays 2.15 - 3.30pm
Wivenhoe Sailing Club

Wivenhoe Sailing Club, Walter Radcliffe Road, CO7 9WS
Carpark in the boatyard and entrance at the front of the building

Therapeutic, accessible yoga including mat based movement, chair exercises and standing practices. Options throughout to adapt to your needs.  Based on hatha yoga blended with Sarah's experience of training in other movement forms, including various styles of dance and somatic practice. The classes are suitable for beginners and more advanced practitioners. Including joint mobility, strength and flexibility practices, breathwork, relaxation and meditation.

10 places per class : advance block booking for current students
New student block bookings welcome when spaces are available
For drop in availability please contact Sarah 07956 664702

Spring term : 30 January - 13 February (no class 20 February half term)

Spring term : 27 February - 3 April (no classes 10, 17 April Easter pause)

Summer term : classes resume 24 April


Yoga nidra and sound bath
Occasional classes 90 mins
Fridays 7.15 - 8.45pm

William Loveless Hall, Wivenhoe

Sessions include simple standing yoga warm ups to ease body and mind. The yoga nidra guided relaxation takes you into a restful state where you can then immerse in the sound bath of Himalayan singing bowls, chimes and more. Restorative, stress releasing relaxation for body, mind and nervous system. The nidra and sound bath can be received lying down or seated, whatever is most comfortable.


more dates coming soon...

Laughter on the land
pecial event at Bennison Farm
Saturday 5 April 11.00am - 12.00noon
£6 adults / £4 children / £0 under fives

Family laughter workshop - laughter is a wondeful tonic, especially when we're outside in nature too, come and explore the farm and have a good ole giggle!

We'll start with simple movements to ease out and warm up. A series of laughter yoga games will get you giggling, releasing those feel good endorphins. Then a short guided relaxation. All the family are welcome (babes to baby boomers!) All children must be accompanied by an adult.


Sound on the ground
Special event at Bennison farm
Saturday 14 June
11.00am - 12.15pm

A sound bath is a chance to pause, rest and soak up the frequencies.

This special event at Bennison farm gives us an opportunity to bathe in the healing power of sound whilst out in nature. The session will start with some simple yoga practices to connect to the elements of earth, water, fire and air within and around us. Then rest on the ground to recieve the sound.

Instruments include Himalayan singing bowls, rainsticks, chimes, drum, animal sound makers and more...


More workshops coming soon...

Please join the mailing list for updates about yoga, yoga nidra, and laughter classes and workshops...


Sarah 2021 crop

Gentle hatha yoga

Classes include simple practices for all ages, experience levels and health conditions. Develop strength, flexibility, mobility, healthy breathing and peace of mind through asana (movement practices), pranayama (breath work) and meditation. Chairs, blocks and other props available to adapt practices as needed.

Yoga Nidra sound

Simple, gentle yoga movement practices to loosen the body and unwind the mind in preparation for yoga nidra. Lie down for 30 minutes of guided meditation and visualisation. Accompanied by a live sound bath including singing bowls, koshi chimes and more. Deep rest for body, mind and nervous system.

Laughter yoga

Movement, voice and playful exercises to get you belly laughing! Followed by deep relaxation. A great way to build core strength, relax and find inner joy!

Single classes from £10.00
Block bookings from £48.00 - £66.00 for 6 weeks

Simple yoga to enable you to witness your body, mind
and breath with presence and awareness of what is...

Welcome home to yourself!

I believe passionately that yoga has something to offer everyone no matter what age, ability, shape, size, experience or health condition. Over the years I have shared yoga and movement with hundreds of people who have benefited from my gentle approach in a myriad of ways. I am inspired by many schools and teachers but the following quote sums it up for me…

‘Yoga is an act of kindness towards oneself’ Judith Lasater
